Hello friends! So, after being so delinquent from the blogging world, I am back, and new to Blogspot. Wordpress just wasn't doing it for me. I hope to share all of our families moments with you, in every form that they may come. So to get you up to date, here are the happenings from 2009:
We are all healthy, praise God, excluding the minor colds.
We are all happy, and thriving, and busier than our family of 5 has EVER been before.
I started working for the Sheriff's Department over 7 months ago, and I love it.
I love it so much, that I decided to become a deputy. I have applied with two agencies.
For the first, I passed my written, physical agility, and I am currently undergoing the Background process.
For the second agency, I will have my physical agility in 2 weeks.
The boys turned 3 in February, and are learning more Spanish from their Tia who watches them all while Alex and I transition in the mornings. (I am working Graveyard shift).
My music and baking are not first in my line of careers right now, but hopefully being a deputy will help me fulfill those dreams more fully. The money for one, will give me more options for opening a bakery/cafe once this big economic mess is stabilized.
Well, I thought there was more to tell you, but I guess not.
We had a tiring Easter, I worked the whole weekend and then some. But we got some beautiful pictures. So please enjoy.
Genshin Impact Cross Stitch Patterns
5 hours ago
Wow I can't believe how big they are! I cannot wait to see you guys next week =-)